Alarms & Reminders

This module includes tools to set timed reminders.


Command Syntax

!remind (recipient) (time code) (message)

Command Description

Sends a message to you (via DM) or a channel within the current server, after certain amount of time.

The recipient parameter can be either me, here, or a channel mention or name.


!remind #party-chat 2h It's party time!


Command Syntax


Command Description

Lists all reminders you created within the server.




Command Syntax

!reminddel (reminder index)

Command Description

Deletes a reminder on the specified index, as shown by !remindlist.


!reminddel 1
!remindrm 3


Command Syntax

!remindtemplate (reminder message)

Command Description

This command is currently not active.

Sets message template for when a reminder is triggered.

You can use one (or more) of these placeholders in your response message:

  • %message%: The message specified in the remind command. This placeholder is mandatory.

  • %target%: The target channel of the remind command.

  • %botname%: The name of the bot.

  • %user%: This will be replaced with a mention of the user who ran the command.

  • %server%: This will be replaced with the server name.

Permissions Needed

User: Bot Owner


!remindtemplate Hello %user%~! %botname% here to tell you %message%!


Command Syntax

!repeat (time in minutes) (message)
!repeat (--message/--m {message to repeat}) [--no-redundant/--n] [--interval/--i {time code}] [--channel/--c {channel id/mention/q_name}]

Command Description

Repeat a message periodically in a channel. GiselleBot will delete its old message when repeating the message.

This command has a quick syntax and a full syntax. It is advised to use the full syntax if you want take advantage of the advanced settings. Some advanced parameters will still work with the quick syntax, but using that mix is not officially supported.

Embed support is only available with the full syntax.


Each server can have a maximum of 5 repeating messages. If you need more repeating messages, you can unlock more as a Premium feature (see: Premium Perks).

The default interval time is set to 1 day, and the first message will begin being sent after the first time interval has passed.

The --no-redundant parameter will instruct the bot to skip sending a repeating message if the latest message in the channel is still the last repeating message.

Permissions Needed

User: Manage Messages


!repeat 120 2 hours have passed since my last message.
!repeat --m This is not a spam channel, please behave correctly. --c #serious-chat --i 6h --no-redundant


Command Syntax


Command Description

Lists all repeating messages within the server.




Command Syntax

!repeatremove (repeating message index)

Command Description

Deletes a repeating message on the specified index, as shown by !repeatlist.

Permissions Needed

User: Manage Messages


!reprm 3


Command Syntax

!repeatinvoke (repeating message index)

Command Description

Immediately invokes (sends) a repeating message on the specified index, as shown by !remindlist.

Invoking a message also restarts its timer, hence potentially changing the clock time when the next reminders are going to show.

Permissions Needed

User: Manage Messages


!repinv 3