Currency System

Each user known to the bot has a currency wallet. Currency is earned in a few ways:

  • Each message sent in a channel the bot has access to will give a small amount of currency to the user (a cooldown is applied to avoid plain spamming just to earn currency).

  • Once a day, using the !timely command.

  • Every once in a while, reacting to events on the main bot support server.

  • Playing with Games.

Currently, the main goal of currency is playing with games. More uses are planned, but still not implemented.


Command Syntax

!$ [user id/mention/q_name]

Command Description

Shows the current amount of currency of a user. By default, it will show the currency wallet info of the user that runs the command. Users can check someone else’s wallet by tagging them or using their ID/name.


!balance @cycloptux#1543
!bal 123456789098765432


Command Syntax

!currencytransfer (currency amount) (user id/mention)

Command Description

Transfers a certain amount of currency from the user running the command to the target/receiving user. You can use all instead of the currency amount to transfer all your currency to the target/receiving user.


!ctransfer 5000 @cycloptux#1543
!cpay all 123456789098765432


Command Syntax


Command Description

Once a day (by default, but the cooldown can be configured by the bot owner) users can earn a specified amount of currency by running this command. The default amount of currency earned is 10 per command run.


Command Syntax


Command Description

As an additional source of income for bot currency, and as a way to show your appreciation to GiselleBot, you can vote for GiselleBot on (click on the website name to be sent to the bot page).

Any Discord user can vote for each bot once every 12 hours. Each vote for GiselleBot will award you with 250 currency coins.

To help give GiselleBot a better chance to fight for the top spots, votes will count double on the weekend (Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays). This also means double the amount of coins!

By enabling the notification service using the !topggnotify command in any server, you will also be notified when your Discord Bots List vote is available, thus being able to actively collect your daily coins efficiently. Each run of the command will toggle its previous state.

Users will only be notified once per vote reset.


Command Syntax


Command Description

As an additional source of income for bot currency, and as a way to show your appreciation to GiselleBot, you can leave a review for GiselleBot on Bots on Discord (click on the website name to be sent to the bot page).

This command will anonymously validate your review within the bot. GiselleBotwill check for the existence of a review on your name, and will award 25,000 currency coins if found.

GiselleBotwill not know which specific review was submitted, nor its positive or negative state.

This reward can only be obtained once!


Command Syntax

!clb [page #]

Command Description

Prints the global currency leaderboard.


!clb 3


Command Syntax

!currencyemoji [emoji]

Command Description

Sets a custom emoji as currency in the current server. Using the command without the extra emoji argument will reset the currency emoji to the default one.


You must use reactions that are either “global” (Discord native emojis) or present in the server. Failing to do so may result in the currency emoji not to work.

Permissions Needed

User: Manage Server


!currencyemoji 😀
!currencyemoji :BlobOwO:

Stonk Market: Buying and Selling Broccoli

The Stonk Market allows users to buy and sell 🥦 broccoli at fluctuating prices, just like real stock markets.

🥦 broccoli can be purchased every Sunday morning before 12 PM UTC. Their price fluctuates over time: the purchase price will be different every week, and in every server. During the week, users can sell 🥦 broccoli at different prices to make a profit. These prices will differ each morning and afternoon, and again, for each server.

The pricing algorithm is the same that powers Animal Crossing: New Horizons’s Stalk Market. You can read more about it here .

Buying prices vary between 90 and 110 currency per head of 🥦 broccoli. There’s no limit on how many you can buy or sell.

🥦 broccoli must be sold within a week. Otherwise, they will rot by the following Sunday morning and lose their monetary value. GiselleBot will dispose of them for you when they are no longer good.


Command Syntax


Command Description

Checks the current 🥦 broccoli buying or selling price.

🥦 broccoli can be purchased every Sunday morning before 12 PM UTC, and sold during the week (Monday to Saturday). The selling price changes every 12 hours (at 12 AM and 12 PM UTC). All markets are closed on Sunday afternoon.


Command Syntax

!brcbuy (amount to buy)

Command Description

Buys the specified amount of 🥦 broccoli at the current buying price for the server.

🥦 broccoli can be purchased every Sunday morning before 12 PM UTC. Prices vary between servers.


!brcbuy 50


Command Syntax

!brcsell (amount to sell)

Command Description

Sells the specified amount of 🥦 broccoli at the current selling price for the server.

🥦 broccoli can be sold during the week, from Monday to Saturday. Prices vary between servers, and every 12 hours (at 12 AM and 12 PM).


!brcsell 30


Command Syntax


Command Description

Shows the current amount of 🥦 broccoli a user has.


Command Syntax


Command Description

Shows the current highest and lowest buying/selling price for 🥦 broccoli.

This will act as a benchmark to evaluate if the price you found in a server is good or not, or if there’s any better price to be hunted!


This command is only available in GiselleBot Support Center. You can join the Discord server using this invite:

Bot Owner Reserved Commands


Command Syntax


Command Description

Resets the !timely countdown for everyone.

Permissions Needed

User: Bot Owner


Command Syntax

!timelyset [timecode] [# of currency coins]

Command Description

Sets the global amount of currency and/or cooldown for the !timely command. Modified cooldown applies to everyone immediately, but doesn’t reset users’ cooldown.

Running the command with no arguments will show the current settings.

Permissions Needed

User: Bot Owner


Command Syntax

!currencyaward (user and/or role id(s)/mention(s)/q_name(s)) (amount of currency)

Command Description

Awards the selected amount of currency to the specified user(s) and/or role(s).

Permissions Needed

User: Bot Owner


Command Syntax

!currencytake (user and/or role id(s)/mention(s)/q_name(s)) (amount of currency, or "all")

Command Description

Takes the selected amount of currency from the specified user(s) and/or role(s). You can use all instead of the currency amount to remove all currency from the target user(s).


The currency is permanently lost. It’s not transferred to the owner.

Permissions Needed

User: Bot Owner


Command Syntax

!currencyeventstart [--amount/--a {amount of currency to gift to each reacting user}] [--pot-size/--p {maximum amount of currency that can be gifted}] [--duration/--d {event duration timecode}]

Command Description

Starts an event reaction in the current channel.

Each reacting user will be gifted with the selected amount of currency. You can define the amount of received currency with the --amount parameter.

By default, each user will be rewarded with the specified amount of currency. You can set a maximum amount of currency for the event “bucket” by using the --pot-size parameter (e.g. if --amount 50 --p 100 is used, only the first 2 users will actually receive 50 currency each). You can also set a custom duration for the event.


Checks are in place to ensure that users will only receive their gift the first time they react. Reacting more than once will not assign any extra currency.

Here are the default values for the command parameters, on omission:

  • Amount: 100

  • Pot Size: 0 (= no limit)

  • Duration: 1 day

Permissions Needed

User: Bot Owner