***** Radio ***** The Radio module enables users to listen to web radio stations in a Discord server's dedicated voice channel. The Radio module must be first enabled by a server manager (someone with **Manage Server** permissions) by setting a web radio channel with the |bot_prefix|\ rchannel command. |bot_prefix|\ rchannel ---------------------- Command Syntax ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. parsed-literal:: |bot_prefix|\ rchannel [channel id, or "-"] Command Description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sets a channel as the authorized web radio channel for the bot. Running this command while being in a voice channel will turn the current voice channel into the authorized web radio channel. You can also use the ID of a voice channel. Running this command while not in a voice channel and without any extra argument will show the current authorized web radio channel. Using "-" as argument will remove the current authorized web radio channel and disable the radio module until a voice channel is authorized. Permissions Needed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | **User**: Manage Server Examples ^^^^^^^^ .. parsed-literal:: |bot_prefix|\ rchannel |bot_prefix|\ rchannel 123456789098765432 |bot_prefix|\ rchannel - .... |bot_prefix|\ rplay ------------------- Command Syntax ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. parsed-literal:: |bot_prefix|\ rp Command Description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Shows the list of available web radio stations. .... |bot_prefix|\ rstop ------------------- Command Syntax ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. parsed-literal:: |bot_prefix|\ rstop Command Description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Immediately stops the web radio stream. If 3 or more people are listening in the same web radio voice channel, a vote will happen. For a "vote stop" to take effect, **70%** of the voice channel members must agree. .. note:: Let's assume there are 10 users in the web radio voice channel. The threshold for skipping is calculated as 70% of 10 = 7 (numbers will be rounded down if needed). For the "vote stop" to take effect, you would then need 7 positive votes. .. note:: "Vote stop" will not be active until there are 3 or more people in the voice channel (with one person, insta-skip is enabled and with two the threshold for skipping is 1). Server managers (users with "Manage Server" permissions) will bypass the voting system. .... |bot_prefix|\ rnowplaying ------------------------- Command Syntax ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. parsed-literal:: |bot_prefix|\ rnp Command Description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Shows info about the currently playing radio station.